Crecera Brands is the driving force behind Sportsman’s Guide, The Golf Warehouse, and Baseball Savings.com, three of America’s leading retailers of outdoor gear, sporting goods and golf supplies. For nearly 45 years, our companies have been dedicated to helping our customers enjoy the fun, freedom, and traditions of the great outdoors. From hunting and fishing to playing ball and hitting the links, the companies of Crecera Brands deliver the gear you need to succeed. Our websites include sportsmansguide.com, tgw.com, and baseballsavings.com.
As Channel Marketing Associate, you will play a critical role in shaping and executing marketing strategies that drive the growth and visibility of our brands. This role is responsible for planning, deploying, analyzing and optimizing category merchandising strategies, campaigns and content within the e-mail and SMS channels with the goal to grow consideration of our categories and products – and ultimately drive site traffic that converts visitors into customers. This role collaborates closely with content, creative and UX teams to optimize channel performance and drive consumer demand - and requires a blend of creativity, analytical thinking, and project management skills.